Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Stuff, stuff, and more stuff

Tonight's my last night in my apartment. I haven't even come close to moving all my stuff out. I have a lot of things boxed up and I have several bags to donate to The Salvation Army...but there's still so much "stuff"...and I don't know what to do with it.
I have the car packed, thanks to Kent, and I won't even be able to see out of the back window tomorrow.
It dawned on me tonight while talking to Kent about life and relationships: This is my last night here. My last night in my own bed. My last night watching David Letterman instead of Jay Leno. My last night of eating chips and salsa in the bed at 1 am when I can't sleep. This is the last time I'll have bookshelves lined with books that I love. I have to say goodbye to sleeping with the lights on; goodbye to hitting snooze for an hour in the morning.
I'm not sad that I'm moving. I'm actually quite happy to be getting out of this shoebox I've been living in. Even I wasn't moving in with Bob, I'd be moving out of this little apartment! But now that it's time...I think about the things that make me uniquely "me". And I wonder what will happen to "me"...and then I hear a couple of my friends yelling, "GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!"
So, I take a deep breath, look around my half-packed, half-strewn apartment...and decide to call it a night. It will all come together soon.

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