This first picture was taken at midnight on Christmas Eve when Bob drove up from Phoenix and surprised me. I had on sweat pants and a huge long-sleeve t-shirt. Wouldn't you know that he was dressed amazingly well. But, I was too excited to see him to even care that I had just rolled out of bed!
This picture is of our Christmas Day hike. We went on a 2 1/2 hour hike, mostly off the trail. Bob's house sits at the base of a huge mountain so we just walked out his back door and began climbing. Me and Bob before our descent down the mountain. Andrew's quite a good photographer.
My cutie-pie, Andrew. He's quite a trooper and hung with us on the entire hike!
It's difficult to get pictures of the three of us. However, this was made even more troubling by the fact that we were somewhat balancing on the edge of the mountain. I was a bit nervous.
In the upper part of Bob's backyard.
Andrew opened his gift from Jim. He got Power Miners Legos and LOVED it!
Andrew was quite groggy Christmas morning. But when I reminded him that it was Christmas Day, he jumped off the side of his bed and stumbled quickly and clumsily into the living room.
Andrew got a haircut today. It has been 6 months since it was last cut.
There is a little catch up of what's been going on lately. I have been busy and haven't really been in the blogging mood; however, once I got started tonight, it just flowed right along. I think it helped that I downloaded all these pictures FIRST and then did the typing. I'll probably keep doing it that way; it's more sensible.
I haven't written anything about Christmas gifts or any other specifics about the holidays. Maybe I will do that tomorrow night...or sometime soon when I feel like writing about it.
For now, good night!